Pray the Catechism

Pastor Marcus Mackay
Summer is quickly coming to a close and most of us are looking ahead to a Fall schedule filled with school, sports and weekly activities at church, such as choir and catechism classes. 
Starting each Wednesday in September, we will begin having 7th-8th Confirmation Classes, Adult Form of Faith Classes, Adult Bible Class and Senior High Youth Group. 
Beginning at 7:00 pm, we will gather in the Sanctuary to “Pray the Catechism” (also sing the Hymn of the Day and hear a short Homily), breaking up at 7:30 pm until 8:30 pm for our various classes. 
“Praying the Catechism” might sound a little strange to you, but for such it was designed.  Most Lutherans think of the Catechism as something rotely memorized or drummed into our heads by our parents, teachers and pastors.  It is so much more! 
Enjoy this article by Prof. John Pless and ponder the gifts we have been given.  And as you are able, come join us on Wednesday nights! 

Peace be with you,

Pr. Mackay
