The Reformation, 25 Years & Looking Forward
The next two months will be quite pivotal in the history of Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church. We will install a new pastor to be our shepherd and get to know and love his family as our own. It is fortunate that the season of Advent will offer many opportunities to get to know them through both worship and fellowship. December 16th is an important day as well. On this Sunday we will have our Sunday school Christmas program. It was also on that day in 1993 that the articles of incorporation were signed for Zionsville Lutheran Church… the name of which was changed to Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in May of 1995. For 25 years, Advent has been faithfully proclaiming God’s Word of mercy and grace to the people of not only Zionsville, but quite literally to the world.
This would be good time to consider:
Updating our church photo directory, getting as great of participation as possible. Historically we average somewhere around 55% participation. Wouldn’t it be great to approach somewhere near 80% participation? A high level of participation would be a blessing to Pastor Mackay and his family. They will have much to do as they settle into a house, schools and become familiar with their surroundings. An up to date pictorial directory would be a great help to them as they begin to put faces and names together. As members, it will be good for us too. Chris Colson has, once again, agreed to take the photos. The photo sessions will take place on Sundays beginning Nov. 25 through Dec. 16th.
The story of Advent is the story of God entering the lives of His people through Word and Sacrament, teaching them to trust Him for their salvation, and nothing else. It is the story of God with us! What is your story as you have experienced God’s peace and been a part of Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church over the past 25 years?
As we look forward to December 16th, it would be fun to hear some of your memories (be they a year or twenty-five years old) by gathering together some photos and stories about the many joyous events that have taken place.
Perhaps you were married here during that time or your children were baptized. Did you come before God to be baptized, confirmed and married here at Advent during the past 25 years? Do you have a memory from VBS, a Christmas program,
Heritage Tour, or other event to share?
Depending on the number of stories and photos submitted, it would be nice to bind some of them in booklet form, like our pictorial directory. All will be archived into a physical scrapbook as well as an electronic file.
Hand written or done electronically, it will be good to archive your memories of the “early years” of God’s work as seen through the eyes of you, the saints of Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Pastor Grady
P.S. Watch Advent Announcements for more details about how to submit your photos and stories for Advent’s 25th anniversary year.
The Summer Rush
Pastor Grady
Fare thee well!
Dear Saints of Advent:
How can I ever thank you for the most wonderful way a pastor could retire? To worship with you and proclaim God’s Word to you and bring to you the body and blood of Christ – this was my joy as it was John the Baptist’s joy. (I think we should call him “John the Lutheran.”) It was a day to remember for the rest of my life. Your affectionate words and embraces were too much for my fragile emotions to handle. But they were medicine for my soul.
Your gifts of cards and letters and financial contributions will also be cherished. I look so forward to seeing you all again upon Solveig’s and my return at the end of June. Please keep our Heritage Tour in your prayers. I am sure that they will all be excited to share with you their great adventure.
I would also like to give thanks to our congregational leadership, our president and elders, for their great kindness and thoughtful planning. I must also give specific thanks to Pastor Grady, Monte Weimer and Juanita Duncan, along with our whole music staff, Phil Spray and Phil Lehman and Deb Trewartha, for their hard work in bringing glory to God as we said our farewells. The brunch was wonderful, although I never got to eat any of it. I was being well fed with your words and kind comments.
May our Lord be with you in the coming days and months as you go about the process of calling a new Senior Pastor. May the Holy Spirit keep you safe in the arms of our Heavenly Father, and may He continue to send His Son in Word and Sacrament to care for your bodies and souls until we all reach our heavenly goal. There we will feast together into eternity. How wonderful to have that hope and to long for that day to come!
Your “retired” Pastor Fiene
P. S. See you in church!
A Parable
A parable. A man owned a restaurant. He served only the healthiest and tastiest of foods. It was acknowledged by all of his customers that the restaurant was unique, precious to them, a place where, if they were ever to eat out, that restaurant would be the place.
A Shining Jewel
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far, but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith.”
Philippians 1:21-25