Numerous groups of volunteers help the church run efficiently. These consist of Early Childhood Education, Parish Education, Elders, Evangelism, Fellowship, Missions, School Board, Stewardship, Trustees and our elected officers.
Book Club (Women's)
Join this lively group as they pour over the classics or the latest in good reads, both biblical and contemporary topics. The book club meets in the homes of club members or Advent Library.
Advent committees operate in numerous capacities. Some of which include our Cemetery Committee, Groundskeeping, Money Counting, Building Expansion, Scholarships, Vacation Bible School and more!
Books & Beers (Men's)
A men's "Books and Beer" group meets on the first Thursday of each month. Discuss great literature and various aspects of Lutheran Theology led by Pastor Schultz while sipping on fine beverages at each meet up.
Church Servers
To sign up to serve or volunteer your time, please contact our church office. Acolyte, Altar Guild, Ushers & Greeters, Sunday School Teachers, Coffee & Donuts are some of the areas in which you can serve on Sunday!
Care Group
A perfect opportunity to show love and spiritual care for each other during times of sickness, loss, the birth of a child, or other major life events.
Choir & Music (Adults)
For anyone high school age and above wishing to join the chorus in song! This group meets on Tuesday nights at 6:45 pm from September to May. No sign-up needed. Just show up!
Choir & Music (Youth)
Youth groups of varying ages contribute to our congregation’s worship, Christmas programs and special occasions. Youth practice during the Sunday school hour.
Craft Club
Craft Club is for all ages looking for fun and friendship amongst fellow crafters. Bring your own projects, or utilize the materials we have to offer. This group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month in the Library at 1:00pm.
Help out by engaging in or planning community activities and events to spread the Word of God and bring people to the Church.
The Fellowship Board is responsible for planning and coordinating a variety of gatherings and social programs through the year, as well as, maintaining overall personal communication & friendliness throughout the congregation.
The purpose of the Missions Group is to lead members of the congregation in the identification and support of mission projects locally, nationally, and globally.
The Stewardship Board encourages the members of the congregation to use their time, talents, and treasure God’s glory while guiding those into serving or other opportunities.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a great place for children ages 3 1/2 (and potty trained) through 4th grade to come hear the word of God, along with participate in fun crafts, music, snacks activities and games during the summer. Volunteer for this fun week!
Women's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study is for those women looking for a fun evening with their female friends. You can expect wine, appetizers, and fellowship paired with studying God's Word.
55+ Group
The 55+ Group is for those who are 55+ years of age and above looking for fun and friendship amongst fellow church members. This group typically meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Library at 11:30am.
Advent School PTO
This group is lead by parents of students at Advent. Their goal is to help sponsor and coordinate events or outings for the school children and families. They create a community amongst members and non-members alike!
Men's Night
Men's Night is the 3rd Thursday of the Month and hosts fantastic food, beverages of choice, and fellowship with the guys. The evening is centered around a message from Pastor Mackay.
Sunday School
Advent’s Sunday School is a comprehensive program designed to enrich the faith of our children as they grow through adulthood. We offer Sunday school for children ages 3 and up every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 am. Volunteer Teachers are always welcome.
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals Group is for those in their 20's and 30's looking to meet others within the congregation and often sponsor events, outings, and care for others. This group meets on Sunday's after the Late Service.