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Mission Statement

The mission of this congregation shall be to confess and promote:

Faith in the Triune Godby seeking a knowledge of God through faith in His free and unmerited grace, offered to all in Jesus Christ.

Works of righteousness done out of love for God and His grace– by providing for the religious instruction of those committed to our spiritual care, according to the confessional standards of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

The spiritual fellowship of the Church in Word and Sacrament– by preaching the Word of God and rightly administering the sacraments, manifesting the unity of our faith in Jesus Christ in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, fostering Christian love, and by extending a helping hand to those who are in need.

Justification by faithby assisting in the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

A right understanding and exercise of Christian libertyby faithfully carrying out our vocational callings in church and society to the glory of God and in service to our neighbors.


Our Beliefs

A Confessional Church

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) accepts the Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and subscribes unconditionally to all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God.

We accept the Confessions because they are drawn from the Word of God and on that account regard their doctrinal content as a true and binding exposition of Holy Scripture and as authoritative for all pastors, congregations and other church workers of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Our Communion Policy

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church endorse the doctrine of closed communion. Closed communion is the policy of sharing the Lord's Supper only with those who are baptized and confirmed members of a congregation of the LCMS or one of its sister churches with which it has formally declared altar and pulpit fellowship.

There are a variety of ways in which Missouri Synod congregations put closed communion into practice. At Advent we ask visitors to speak with the pastor before coming to our altar for the first time. Before visiting you may contact us by calling 317-873-6318 or email Pastor Mackay to discuss your questions or concerns or to schedule a private meeting. 

The Lord's Supper

What is the Sacrament of the Altar? It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ Himself for us Christians to eat and drink.

Who receives this Sacrament worthily? Fasting and bodily preparation are certainly fine outward training.  But that person is truly worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words: "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins."  But anyone who does not believe these words or doubts them is unworthy and unprepared, for the words "for you" require all hearts to believe.

Prayer before communing: Dear Savior, at Your gracious invitation I come to Your table to eat and drink Your holy body and blood.  Let me find favor in Your eyes to receive this holy Sacrament in faith for the salvation of my soul and to the glory of Your holy name; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Church Office

Zionsville, IN

Preschool Office


Admissions Office

(1st-8th grade)

Our Address

11250 N. Michigan Road, Zionsville, IN 46077

© 2024 by Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church and School

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