Class Descriptions
Mom's Morning Out
Mainly play-based with a minimum of academic endeavors. Both large and small motor activities included, with Bible stories, alphabet, colors, shapes & numbers at developmentally appropriate level. Students need not be potty-trained.

Preschool (3's)
Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and letter recognition is introduced. Name, color & shape recognition and fine motor building activities are priorities. "School behaviors" such as sharing, getting along with peers, teachers, listening to short stories with many opportunities for creative expression.

Pre-K is designed to prepare students for kindergarten. Students work on the alphabet in upper and lower case, writing their name in upper and lower case, early math and language skills, as well as building on all of the skills introduced in the Preschool classes.

1/2 Day Kindergarten is designed to prepare students for success in elementary schools while retaining our small class size and spiritual focus. Indiana Common Core Standards will guide the academic curriculum.

EXPLORE class concentrates on 8 areas of enrichment— Music, Art, Drama, Dance, Nature, Science, Foreign Languages, and STEM. Each class session is comprised of one area on a rotating schedule. Many of the disciplines have experts in the fields as guest instructors.

Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is an extended-day option for 3-5 year old children. Our morning students can stay an extra 45 minutes or afternoon students can come 45 minutes early. It is available on all weekdays. Students bring a sack lunch.

1st-8th Grades
If you are interested in learning more about 1st through 8th grades with our classical education, please visit the Advent Lutheran Classical School pages at the top of the tabs.